Recording from Baltimore

My Tango Trio, first composition ever been published (2001), has landed in the US. Daniel Weiser (piano) played it, together with wonderful violin player Emmanuel Borowsky and cello player Frances Borowsky. There is a beautiful recording that was sent to me by Daniel. I think these musicians really understood the little jokes in the piece.

Before performance the 2nd movement, Dan mailed me to ask: “What is this little theme that is used there, it sounds so familiar!” I almost forgot about that, but is was a famous Scottish melody (he tells about it in the Introduction below).

Dan Wiser: “More people need to know about this very fun piece of Dutch contemporary composer Heleen Verleur that includes the blues, tango, and other popular idioms.”

The Tango Trio can be ordered at Broekmans & Van Poppel

1st mvt Tango
2nd mvt Blues
3rd mvt Brazileira
Lees meer: Recording from Baltimore

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